Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween - what not to wear.

Halloween Day.

It's daytime - Halloween Day. Ah yes, a time to dress up! But what I witnessed was disconcerting: I wasn't entirely sure which outfits were costumes, and which were not.

Had I simply not notice that full blown western wear complete with hat, shiny silver belt buckles, and chaps is normal office attire? Oddly, I was not sure. So I explored some more.

My concerns grew. There were many "barely there" costumes. I guess for some, Halloween is a day to not dress up, but actually barely wear anything at all. There was the woman with pink through her hair, torn stockings, KISS-rock style 4" heeled boots, and a frilly pink and white skirt - that barely covered her, um, buttocks.

So I ask - can we really afford to be seen by our colleagues, bosses, and potential clients looking like a porn star? It's sort of like choosing to wear a Speedo at the beach. If you think you should, chances are, the rest of us think - no, you really shouldn't.

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